Can you Simulate how changes across the Supply Chain affect Assets,Customers and Products?
In an environment of wildly fluctuating material or component costs, increased customer demands, and internal pressure to deliver results,there is tremendous value in real-time, actual cost data when performing financial analyses and projections. Traditional business systems like ERP and BI can be effective at using standard costs in backwards-looking performance monitoring, but they present a challenge when modeling and predicting effects of cost changes across linked elements like materials and supply chain, assets and facilities, and products and customers. Often contained in siloed systems and one-off spreadsheets, actual costs provide the basis for simulations that are credible, reliable, and actionable.
Accurate, Up-to-Date Cost, Price, and Profit Analysis
pVelocity’s Profitability & Cost Simulation Software is the only solution that uses actual cost data from enterprise systems and sources to achieve a rapid, consistent, and detailed profitability view of customer, product and asset performance.
- Get instant access to integrated cost and margin data throughout the supply chain
- Evaluate the impact of changing costs
- Simulate actions and outcomes of changes in pricing or other profit performance characteristics
Use pVelocity’s Profit Analyzer on Customers and Products
- First, segment accounting information for a comprehensive view of client, product and asset performance
- Then, quickly analyze inter-company and external sales data to assess the impact of integrated costs and margins within the supply chain
- Finish by simulating actionable opportunities to improve the profit characteristics of poor performers
Increase the Value of Existing Systems
pVelocity integrates easily with existing systems to leverage ERP/ BI data and one-off spreadsheet information, delivering a solution that is a critical part of everyday decision making for managers across the enterprise. Using open architecture, this collaborative application is quick to set up, easy to use, and delivers an immediate, granular view into the relationships between products, customers, markets and assets.
Use pVelocity Simulations to Quickly Analyze the Effects of a Changing Financial Picture
While it is impossible to accurately predict economic conditions, it is possible, using pVelocity simulations, to model and analyze outcomes from various scenarios relevant to your business. Real-time financial simulations allow you to be both proactive in planning for longer term effects and reactive in tactical situations where quick decisions are required to survive and thrive.